Create ConnectWise API Member

Support Updated by Support


In this article, we will create a ConnectWise API User to use for our CSP Portal Initial Setup.

Create a New Security Role

For the CSP Portal we recommend creating a new security role based on the minimum security requirements matrix below.

You can create a new Security Role within ConnectWise from Setup > Security Roles > New Item

Create an API User:

As a ConnectWise Administrator, browse to System > Members

Select the API Members tab and click the + Symbol to add a new API Member.

A lot of the fields can be left as their default, and requirements per company may differ.

The following are requirements:

  • Role ID: (Name of the Security Role created earlier)
  • Level: Corporate (Level 1)

Once complete, save your new API Member.

Create an API Key

Load into your recently created CSP Portal API Member:

Select the API keys tab and click the + Symbol to create a new API Key Pair.

Name your Key Pair and Save.

Store your API Public and Private Keys in a secure location.

These will only be available for you to view/copy once.

How did we do?

Set up a Customer on CSP Portal (Dicker Data)

Confirming Microsoft Account Permissions
