Using CSP Portal

Sync Invoice Description

This feature is only available on Daily Sync. Monthly sync customers can't edit the invoice description as it is required to be a default format to avoid licence duplication from repeatedly syncing a…

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Billing in Arrears - Prorate

CSP Portal currently doesn't support the combination of Billing in Arrears & Prorate enabled. License Quantity Increase:. Main quantity is updated at the end of the month to the current license count…

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Billing in Arrears - Non-Prorate

License Quantity Increase. Main quantity is updated immediately to the current license count. Example:. At the end of the month, the customer is billed for their actual usage of the month that’s been…

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Billing in Advanced - Non-Prorate

License Quantity Increase. Main quantity is updated immediately to the current license count. Example:. At the start of the month, the customer is billed for 12 licenses for their expected usage of t…

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Prorate AutoTask Recurring Service

Introduction. This article contains an example on how the CSP Portal works to Prorate Recurring Services within Autotask. Please note, prorate is the default behavior within Autotask and enabled auto…

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Automap Clients Where Possible

What is Automap Clients Where Possible? This feature is used for mapping Microsoft and/or Dicker Data clients to companies within your ConnectWise and Autotask. Rather than mapping each company manua…

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Prorate ConnectWise Agreements

Introduction. This article contains an example on how the CSP Portal works with Prorate Agreement enabled against an Agreement within ConnectWise. Within ConnectWise, this setting can be enabled or d…

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Notification and Reporting Settings

CSP Portal provides the following reports, which are triggered every Monday at 12:01am NZST Current NZST Time. These emails are sent as Unmapped Clients. This report will pro…

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Billing in Advanced - Prorate

Billing in Advanced - Prorate. This article will cover what happens when a license increase or decrease is made for advanced prorate billing in your PSA. License Quantity Increase. Main quantity is u…

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Educational and Charity Licenses

Educational and Charity licenses cannot be mapped from the Products tab of CSP Portal, instead you will need to map these from the Licenses tab. Mapping a New Educational/Charity License. Log into th…

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Custom Product Profiles

Custom Product Profiles provide a solution for companies with different pricing models. When a Product is first mapped, a default price is created based on the information within your PSA. As an exam…

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Managing User Access

Introduction. In this guide, we will add additional Users to access the CSP Portal Prerequisites. Access to Manage User Access. Browse to and select Login Sele…

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