Unexpected price updates in Autotask Contract from CSP Portal

Product price in CSP Portal. The Product price in CSP Portal is pulled through from Autotask. If you have made manual changes to a Product in your Client's contract, and CSP Portal has automatically…

Updated by Support

Frequently Asked Questions

What Integrations does CSP Portal support? CSP Portal currently supports integrations with: ConnectWise. Autotask. Xero. Our Sync Setting Comparison Table covers which features are available for each…

Updated by Support

Duplicate PSA product(s) found

There is a 1:1 relationship between Products and Vendor Items. This means that a Product can only be assigned to one Vendor item. You will receive an error message if we detect there are duplicate pr…

Updated by Support

I cannot update client mappings

I am trying to change a client mapping but it is not saving.. If the client is already mapped, remove the client. Then click Save All Clients to commit the changes. Map the client to the correct clie…

Updated by Support

What happens when a license is increased? (ConnectWise)

Scenario:. At the start of the month a customer is billed for their expected usage of the month to come (billing in advance). In this example, we are starting the month with 34 Exchange Online licens…

Updated by Support

How to export Connectwise API logs

The CSP Portal support team may request an export of your Connectwise API logs in order to diagnose an error you have reported. This requires you to enable debug mode in Connectwise, then start anoth…

Updated by Support

Export an agreement's audit trail from Connectwise

If you experience an issue with an agreement syncing, the Support team may request an audit trail export from you in order to troubleshoot the issue. This guide will show you how to export an agreeme…

Updated by Support

What happens if a license is increased and decreased within the same month?

Scenario:. At the start of the month customer is billed for 15 licenses for their expected usage of the month to come (billing in advance). On the 10th, this is increased to 16 licenses. On the 20th,…

Updated by Support

Assigned User count showing as 0

Assigned user names and counts are pulled from your Partner Center. This is often an issue with the permissions set against your Microsoft Account used for CSP Portal's authentication. Make sure your…

Updated by Support

Providing Error Logs to the CSP Portal Support Team

Because the CSP Portal is web based, all troubleshooting information is available from your preferred browser’s development tool window. In this guide we will cover how to open this within the most p…

Updated by Support
